Become a researcher

Do you want to solve life's mysteries, seek answers to fundamental biological problems at the molecular level or understand interactions within and between species and with the surrounding environment? If you are also a curious person then maybe a doctoral program is something for you?

Biological research at Stockholm University takes place at the section's three research departments, which study life in all it forms from the molecular components of life, to the global ecosystems.

General info about doctoral studies can be found by clicking here


Research in ecology, environment and plant sciences

The Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences conducts research that concerns both terrestrial and marine environments, both locally and globally. Geographically, the Baltic Sea region and the tropics are important areas. The business is conducted mainly in biodiversity, ecology, ecotoxicology, evolution, plant physiology and plant systematics. In these areas, processes and patterns are studied from the molecular to the ecosystem level, and interactions within and between species as well as with the surrounding environment and society.

Read more at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences


Research in molecular biosciences

At the Institute of Molecular Biosciences Wenner-Gren's Institute, experimental biology is characteristic of the many and broad research projects, where they investigate the function of genes and cells in tissues and organisms. Many of the research groups participate in clinical studies through well-established collaborations in Stockholm and abroad.

Read more at the Department of Molecular Biosciences Wenner-Gren Institute


Research in zoology

The Department of Zoology conducts internationally recognized research with yeasts as well as insects, birds, fish and mammals. The department consists of five divisions in close collaboration.

Read more at the Department of Zoology

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