Guide to teaching at BIG

This is an introduction and guide to routines and regulations that you need to know about as a course coordinator teaching at the Department of Biology Education.

This page is under construction! We are grateful for comments and tips on what you think should be included (send to

If you are new to teaching at BIG, we wish you a warm welcome! Hopefully you will find a lot of useful information on this page. We also encourage you to contact the Director of Studies at BIG, so that we can go through any questions, and so we can introduce you to our colleagues who are here to offer administrative support for your teaching.


Below is the checklist for course coordinators, for more detailed instructions sections below (under construction).

Before the course starts

Course start

  • Communicate grading, course evaluation and more to students (see 1.3 in SUs rules for examination and teaching)
  • Notify BIG's office of changes to the list of participants

During the course

  • Inform the relevant study counselor about students who are struggling
  • Ensure that any “hall exams” are conducted anonymously (home exams should be anonymised)
  • Report any suspected cheating or misconduct to Head of Department at BIG

After the course

  • Submit the grades and any missing course work (latest 15 working days after course ends)
    Grade report templates
    Upload your grade report here
  • Ensure students are offered exam run-through or template
  • Arrange meeting with the course assistants to follow up and evaluate the course
  • Submit course report (latest 6 weeks after course ends)
  • Notify BIG's Director of Studies of any changes to course syllabus

Deadlines for submitting schedules

Autumn term: period AB - June 15, period CD - September 1

Spring term: period AB - November 15, period CD - January 15

Summer term: April 1


The content of the course syllabus is binding and it is therefore important that you as the course coordinator inform yourself about what is prescribed for the course. The syllabus contains, among other things, prerequisites, content, teaching and examination methods. As course coordinator you are responsible for ensuring that the syllabus is followed.

The course syllabus is found in the course catalogue (search for the course name or code).

Changes to the syllabus (and new courses) must be approved by the Science Faculty before the application opens, therefore you can expect revision of the syllabus to take up to a year. If you wish to revise the syllabus or have suggestions for a new course, contact BIG's office at


The main purpose of the course description in the online catalogue is to attract prospective students to apply for the course and to give the right expectations.

Before the course opens for application you will receive a request from BIG to review the course description. The course should as far as possible adhere to the information the students receive in connection with the application, in other words on the course page in the online catalogue. Note that the information must adhere to the current syllabus (see Course syllabus on this page).


Admission and registration is handled by BIG's office. The day the course starts all students should normally be listed in Athena. You can easily get a list of participants from Athena: in the tab “Status and Follow-up” choose “Assessment record”, click on the three dots (top right) and select “view in excel”.

Since admission and registration is completed before the course begins, it is not possible to delete or accept students at the roll call. If a student shows up who is not on the list, they should be refered to BIG's office (E315 or


No later than one month before the course begins, the schedule must be available to the students who have been admitted to the course, on the course page in the online catalogue. In order for us to be able to allocate rooms effectively and fairly we need all course coordinators to submit a preliminary schedule two months before the course starts. In other words, the course coordinator prepares a plan for the course, and submits it to BIG's office using the template below, rooms are then allocated and the schedule published to the course page by BIG's office.
Note that:

  • Start and end dates are set in the course calendar (see below)
  • Dates for examinations and re-examination must be included in the schedule
  • Schedule changes must be made with great restrictiveness and students must be informed as soon as possible

The dates are set by the Department Board in the course calendar (Översiktsschema). Note that the dates listed in the course catalogue do not always correspond exactly because they are always in whole weeks, but these weeks should correspond to the course calendar. The start and end dates cannot be changed once the course has opened for application.
See course calendar (översiktsschema)


The teaching format is specified in the course syllabus (see above). Below is some very general information regarding teaching at BIG.

Learning platform (LMS)

The learning platform is called Athena, produced by itslearning. A page is automatically created for each course before they open for application and as course coordinator you are added to the course so that you have plenty of time to set the page up before the course starts. It is up to the course coordinator to add any additional teachers that need access. Note! You should never add students, if students are having issues with access refer them to the student office.

Recorded lectures

It is always up to the lecturer whether a distance lecture is to be recorded or not. If you do not want to record the lecture, you can rely on BIG's recording policy. If you have reason to want to record the lecture and want pedagogical, technical or legal guidance, you are welcome to contact BIG's directors of studies (see contact below).

BIG's policy regarding recording of lectures (Swedish) (11 Kb)



Contact the field station for upto date fees. Share the information in the box below with students in Athena (to ensure that all registrered students can find the information).

För kurs som ges på svenska 

BIG är en kontantfri institution och har inte möjlighet att hantera kontanter.  

Från svenskt konto
Bankgiro: 5050-0206 (Danske bank)
Meddelande:  91000636/460091/34422 och ditt namn och ev. kurskod

Betalning från utländskt konto
Bank: Danske Bank, Norrmalmstorg 1, 111 46 Stockholm
Bank konto: 12810117756
IBAN: SE1612000000012810117756
Organisationsnummer: 202100-3062
VAT nr: SE202100306201
Meddelande: 91000636/460091/34422 och ditt namn och ev. kurskod

Vid betalning med annan valuta än SEK använd dagens växelkurs och betala eventuella bankavgifter.

For course given in English

BIG is a cash free department and we do not have possibility to handle cash.

From Swedish account
Bankgiro: 5050-0206 (Danske bank)
Message:  91000636/460091/34422 and your name and if possible course code

From international account
Bank: Danske Bank, Norrmalmstorg 1, 111 46 Stockholm
Bank account: 12810117756
IBAN: SE1612000000012810117756
Organisation number: 202100-3062
VAT nr: SE202100306201
Message: 91000636/460091/34422 and your name and if possible course code

If paying in currency other than SEK use the exchange rate at day of payment and pay any bank fees. 

Travel expenses

BIG normally pays for the students' travel to and from field stations. It is the course leader's responsibility that the trips are primarily carried out jointly in an economical and at the same time appropriate manner for the teaching.

By bus

For courses with many participants, it is usually more suitable to hire one of SU's procured bus companies. For courses with fewer participants, the most advantageous option in many cases is to rent one or two minibuses/cars from procured companies and, if possible, supplement by booking the BIG bus (through Erik Hoffmann).

By car

Please note that BIG does not reimburse students for travel expenses with their own car.

By train

If the course leader judges that the most advantageous alternative, based on both a financial and educational perspective, is to travel by train and, where applicable, connecting local transport, BIG reimburses the students' travel costs corresponding to the cheapest mode of travel. In that case, it is the course leader's responsibility to inform the students about how travel costs are reimbursed. This is done most easily by copying the text below and making sure to include the payment forms in the information to the students ("Swedish bank account" and "Payment foreign bank account" found below).

Swedish bank account (545 Kb)

Payment foreign bank account (111 Kb) (Word file)

Reimbursement for train travel - for courses offered in English

On this course, travel is reimbursed through BIG's student office. In order to receive compensation, it is important that you follow the instructions below. For questions contact
Send an email to and include the receipt(s) and your full name as well as the name of the course. If the original receipt is digital, it is submitted digitally, if the original is a physical receipt, it must be submitted to BIG.
Travel with your own car is NOT reimbursed.
For train/bus journeys and the like check carefully that what you submit is a valid receipt, order confirmations do not qualify. Also if it is not clear from the receipt what travel it covers the ticket should also be included. ATTENTION! Reimbursement is only made for student ticket class II or equivalent. Also if you are an international student staying in Sweden 6 months or less, please contact the student office before buying your tickets.
We recommend that you register your account with Danske Bank, as this allows you to be paid directly to your account, otherwise you will receive a payout notice (which often incurs a cost to redeem).

Swedish bank account

If you have a BankId, follow the instructions here (Swedish side):
If you do NOT have a BankId, use the attached pdf "Swedish bank account" (Visma customer number: 79200; Name: Stockholm University) and send it to with the subject "travel expenses" or hand it in to our student office.

International bank account

Use the Word file "Payment Foreign Bank Account".
In the field "Reply salary administrator..." please enter Rumi's details (, postal address can be left blank).
Send it to with the subject "travel expenses" or hand it in to our student office.

Reimbursement for train travel - for courses offered in Swedish

På denna kurs ersätts resor genom BIG:s studentexpedition. För att få ersättning är det viktigt att du följer instruktionerna nedan. För frågor om ersättning, kontakta
Skicka ett mail till och bifoga kvittot och ditt fullständiga namn samt kursens namn. Om originalkvittot är digitalt lämnas det digitalt, om originalet är ett fysiskt kvitto ska det lämnas till BIG.
Resor med egen bil ersätts INTE.
För tåg/bussresor och liknande kontrollera noga att det du lämnar är ett giltigt kvitto, orderbekräftelser kvalificerar inte. Om det inte framgår av kvittot vilken resa det gäller ska biljetten också inkluderas. OBS! Återbetalning sker endast för studentbiljett klass II eller motsvarande.
Vi rekommenderar att du registrerar ditt konto hos Danske Bank, eftersom det gör att du kan få betalt direkt till ditt konto, annars får du ett utbetalningsbesked (vilket ofta medför en kostnad att lösa in).

Registrera bankkonto

Om du har ett BankId, följ instruktionerna här (svensk sida):
Om du INTE har ett BankId, använd bifogad pdf "Svenskt bankkonto" (Visma kundnummer: 79200; Namn: Stockholms universitet) och skicka det till med ämnet "resekostnader" eller lämna in till vår studentexpedition.

Internationellt bankkonto

Använd Word filen "Payment Foreign Bank Account".
I fältet "Reply salary administrator..." ange Rumis uppgifter (, postadress kan lämnas tom).
Skicka det till med ämnet "resekostnader" eller lämna in till vår studentexpedition.


The main purpose of course evaluations and course reports is to contribute to quality development of courses. Through the course evaluation, the student is given the opportunity to submit comments and influence their education.

In the course report, the course coordinator, together with other teachers, analyses and summarises the students' views from the course evaluation, reflects on the implementation of the course and, if necessary, proposes changes to the course. In other words, the course report is the basis for the course development.

The course report is easily accessible to students and employees at the university on the course page in the online catalogue. Students who have participated in the course are also informed about the course report by e-mail. In addition, the course coordinator should distribute the previous course report to new students at the start of the course.

The course report thus also fulfils an important role for feedback to the students: that their views are taken into account, as well as to informing future students about the views previous students and teachers have had, and about the development that has taken place. Much suggests that students who are informed about how previous course evaluations have been used gain an increased understanding of the course structure and an increased motivation to respond to future course evaluations.


We are a state authority and are obliged to document and archive our activity. Students may need to document what they have done during the course, for example to have the course credited at a different university. Can be used for research on how university teaching is conducted and how it changes over time.

There is a folder in Athena, which only the teachers on the Athena page and the administrator that created is have access to, where you upload all the required material. Instructions for what to upload is found in the folder. After the course the material will be stored in a digital archive that only keeper of the archives at BIG have access to, then moved to the university’s central archive.

On this page