Introduction week for SERSD

Dear all,

We very much look forward to meeting and welcoming you to the SRC. I want to provide a little start of term information to help you prepare for your arrival and start of term. A reminder from our current students to please fill in the survey they sent out in the last letter so that they can plan a fun and useful welcome.

The first course: Social-ecological Systems: Challenges and Approaches (SESCA) begins on Monday 2nd September. Please see Athena – our teaching platform – for the schedule and any course information the course and module leaders might have posted. The course is full-time, meaning Monday-Friday, 9:00-17:00, and much of the schedule will run real-time (synchronous) and on site. We expect all students to be in Stockholm and on campus for term start. 

The week before term begins, we have an Intro Week and there is more information about this below. We really recommend you join if you can, and ask you let us know if you can/cannot join by the 12th August.

You might have questions when you arrive – there is time for this both within the schedule and outside of the schedule. During Intro Week, Cornelia Ludwig and I will greet you and see to it that you find your way at the SRC, and Jessica Slove Davidson and Ann-Christin Lindås will do the same at BIG. Once SESCA begins, your course leader Sarah Cornell will take the lead and I know you will be off to an exciting start of term. 
On behalf of the teaching team and staff at the SRC - we all look forward to meeting you and wish you a lovely summer in the meantime! 

See you soon,
Miriam Huitric
SERSD programme director and director of studies, Stockholm Resilience Centre


The Intro week is for all of SERSD programme and SESCA students to get to know each other, other students at the SRC and SRC staff, as well as your way around SRC, BIG and Stockholm University and to help settling in Stockholm. It is also an intro to who is the SRC, how we teach and to provide tips on steps and tools to support your studies. This is useful as the class comes from all disciplinary backgrounds as well as a range of academic cultures, and the aim is to reduce academic culture shocks.

This week is not compulsory but for those of you who can make it we really recommend you attend. We will provide online access (either live via zoom or via recordings that will be posted on Athena) where this is possible/ meaningful so you can access the information later. It is, however, the interactions that are the most important part of this week and this is true for our teaching in general. At the time of writing we are finalising the sessions so a more detailed schedule will be sent out in August. 

To help us prepare, please sign up – even if you cannot attend (see below). 

Access to online moments/materials – For presentations and recordings, you will need to register for the programme/course to get access to Athena our teaching platform (information about this from BIG). For events that can be attended live online and for individual meetings with Miriam you will need Zoom (a headset with a microphone and good internet is also good to have). Please install the Zoom client for meetings.

How to sign-up/ RSVP to the Intro Week

Please copy and paste these questions, and your answers, into an email. Send your responses to no later than the 12th August. We will use the email address you reply with for any additional information and Zoom invites.
Will you be attending the Intro Week?             YES/NO 
If attending on site – When will you attend?               ALL/ These days: list here
If attending online – When?            ALL/ These days: list here

Is there anything else we should be aware of?        If YES: list here


Monday 26th  August 

Welcome to the SRC, SERSD & SESCA 
Time: 10:00-13:00    
Place: SRC
Host: Miriam Huitric and Cornelia Ludwig

Welcome & Introduction to BIG (see separate details) 
Time: 13:30-16:00    
Place: BIG

Tuesday 27th August 

Getting to know the SRC and SERSD
Time: 13:30-16:00
Place: SRC

Wednesday 28th August

Getting to know the SRC and SERSD 
Time: 10:00-16:00
Place: SRC
Bring a pack lunch that does not require warming up/ access to kitchen or kitchen utensils, a picnic blanket as well as a jumper and rain gear – welcome to Sweden, you rarely pack light! In case of rain, we will eat at the SRC but we really hope for no rain so we can sit by the lake Brunnsviken! 

Thursday 29th August

No activities at SRC – use this day to settle in!

Friday 30th August 

Stockholm University - Welcome fair & social activities
Time: 13:00-16:00      
Place: On campus
Host: SU
A series of events to get to know about the different facilities and activities on campus, to meet other students, practical matters such as getting a Swedish personal number, healthcare, IT services, student life and Swedish language courses. Our students strongly recommend looking through this!! 
There are also short lectures on important services and study tips that we strongly recommend – both for the content on the day but also to see what services are available for students, such as the Academic Writing Service and the Library.

During Intro Week

SERSD programme introduction & Teaching at the SRC 
Time: anytime        
Place: Athena
Host: Miriam Huitric
Pre-recorded videos. Miriam will go through the Master’s programme: how it is structured and some of the SRC perspectives you will meet in the courses, as well as how we teach – both in terms of Swedish university rules and practices as well as the SRC’s. She will also provide tips, skills and tools to support your work on the courses. 

Individual meetings with Miriam 

Time: a 10-min slot – book a slot!
Place: Zoom or SRC (please specify when booking!)
Host: Miriam Huitric 
I like to take a brief 10-minute individual meeting with our new SERSD programme students. It is to meet each of you, touch base on your expectations with the programme, see that you are ready for the term ahead and answer questions you may have. To our independent students on the SESCA course: you too may have questions, feel free to book a slot!

Book a slot in this googledoc. For privacy reasons, only write your first name/ nickname. This sheet is just to allocate a slot to everyone, no personal details or information here please!

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