Introduction week for Master's programmes

Welcome to your Master's programme at the Department of Biology Education! The introduction week aims to help you as a new student get the best possible start to your education.

During Introduction week, you will learn what you can expect from the programme, get to know your classmates, and generally prepare you for studies at Master's level. If you are new to Stockholm University you will also have opportunity to learn about practicalities when studying at BIG, including how to find your way on campus.

Preliminary programme

Please note that SERSD students have a seperate programme and sign up (see e-mails).

The programme is still preliminary and changes may occur, but we will do our best to stick as closely to what is presented here as we can. In the linked schedule only those events planned by us at the department are included at the moment. There are also Welcome activities planned by the central Student Office as well as the Natural Science Faculty Club (we will tell you more about this later).

Read more about Welcome activities

The programme is presented in the same system as our course schedules, so that new students can get used to using it. Note that you can subscribe to the schedule and get automatic updates directly in your calendar app (using an iCal-link).

Intro week programme

Sign up for introduction week

All new students are welcome to join in all the activities, however, to help us in planning and if you want fika and/or lunch when included we ask that you sign up. Sign up takes place in August, admitted students will receive information by e-mail when we open.

Registration, learning platform and more

If you have not already done so, please read our information for new students at the Department of Biology Education.

Information for new students at BIG

How to find us

Our halls are located on the north side of campus, beware as some of the halls on south side of campus can have the same room numbers! For Introduction week we will be putting up signs (se picture below) to help you find your way from the piazza by the underground.

Another tip is to use your navigator of choice to give you directions to Svante Arrhenius väg 20A, and follow the signs from there.

Picture of sign-posting to Introduction week


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